Saturday, September 22, 2012

Shall We Make Friends?

So on September 21st, the Event Committee on campus had set up a semi-formal dance for the student body. It was really fun~! ^_^

Since the invite said "Dance" on it I assumed that it would be like the "Welcome Back Dance" that IAC put on but with fancier clothes. It was mostly performances and games, but we did get to dance eventually towards the end of the night.

After being let out of Manga Mania, Heather, Rebecca, and I gathered up in Heather's room (on the 2nd floor) with clothes to try out for the party. It wasn't until her roommate came back that we switched over to my room on the 4th floor. There we prepared by doing our nails and chatting.
The outfit I was planning to wear, but chickened out of wearing
The outfit I ended up wearing

We originally planned to leave Komachi at 6:50, but then got there at 7:23. XD We can be such girls at time. (Insert angry crowd of people saying how that's sexist). When we got there, the members of the committee were putting on performances in maid costumes. Unfortunately/Fortunately, no photos of that. But I did take photos of us~ ^^

Well chilled out for awhile and talked to people we already knew. XD Even though we were suppose to be making new friends... :p
Aika, Heather, Rebecca, and me
Heather and me
Ai and me

We watched the crowning of the Queen and King of the event. I am actually in the Traditional Dance club with the Queen. As for the king and another of the competitors, I'm pretty sure his outfit was made of colored duct tape. That is going to hurt taking off, no? I assume it would, but I never wore duct tape like that, so I don't know?

After that, we watched a girl perform a Bollywood dance. I think she was good, but I do not know much about Bollywood dancing so she could have been doing a terrible job. I doubt it though.

After she performed we played some games. Well, we didn't. Other people did. There was the mochi stretching game and the marshmallow eating game. We (as in everybody) got to play a which is right game before the mochi game, but no pictures of that. :/
Go YUZU~!!!
Yuzu's team won!!
Round 2!
How scandalous~!!!
Measuring out how much they stretched the mochi
The soccer players from above tied with Yuzu~!!
Marshmallow eating contest
They have chipmunk cheeks~ ( ^ _ ^ )
The next game they played was pulling the tablecloth from underneath a plate of cheese and two things of water. Good thing I was in the front row! *rolls eyes*

Okay, so a little story with the pulling tablecloth game, I was sitting in the front row with Rebecca and Heather and Kin were sitting behind us. Behind them were two obnoxiously drunk European foreigners (for once it is not the Americans being obnoxious). They had a lot of space behind them, but kept taking up any space in front of them where Heather and Kin where. So, the one guy's foot kept stretching out and kicking Heather in the butt. So we would move closer to give her and Kin space to not be near those guys. So we ended up being kind of close to the front where the competitions were going on. Rebecca and I kept repeating "Move closer, move closer" until we realized what they were going to start. As soon as that happened, we turned around and went "move back, move back!! They're gonna pull the tablecloths!" So we all had to shimmy back towards the drunkards. Luckily, the guy directly in front of us playing the game was good and didn't spill anything. XD

A parody of Uta no Prince-sama (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪):

After that, we watched another performance. They were doing AKB48 songs and dressed up similar to AKB. It was awesome!!! They were so good they got the audience shouting "encore! encore!"

They ended the night well. For the last 30 or so minutes of the night, they played music for everyone to have fun and dance to. They were also taking the decorations while doing so. They (meaning Phil, our wonderful disc jockey of the night) had played Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO which then transitioned into Gangnam Style by PSY. Everyone was shuffling and horse riding to both songs. It was great!! ^_^ Bragging rights moment of the night: me shuffling in 5 inch heels. HOLLA!!!

It was a fun and wonderful night! Thank you to all of those on the Event Committee for putting this on for all of us!! ^_^


  1. Looks like it was a fun night.. and I have seen you dance in heels.. I don't know how you do it!! I can barely danece in flats!!

    1. It was a really fun night~! I really enjoyed "going out" with the girls and just having a blast. I got some nasty blisters on my feet though. The price to pay to look as good as me. :p

  2. NO ONE looks as good as you.... then again.. I am your mom! :)
