Monday, August 13, 2012

Nightmares Already

So last night, I had a dream nightmare about going abroad. Here is what happened in my slumber....
I was in the airport, saying my goodbyes to my family and wonderful boyfriend, Chao. I was sad, hugging them and crying and whatnot, but also very excited to take this once in a lifetime chance to study abroad.
So I get on my planes with no worry and fall asleep quite easily during the ride to the next airport. Same thing occurs - get on plane, fall asleep, wake up before landing, no big deal. Well, I'm at my last airport in the states, which was in Denver. (Denver is not even one I'll be taking when I go abroad, but it is one I took when going on vacation to California!)
Anyway, I arrive safely to Denver, only to find out that I left my passport and Visa at home in my bedroom. So I start coming up with plans on how to get my information. Well, I pulled out my iTouch to realize that my travel itinerary has been deleted completely so I have no way to figure out what terminal I need to go to. So I cry some more. Well, one of the nice attendants see me crying in the middle of the airport and asked what was the matter. I simply told her that I have no clue where I was going because my tickets only had the US information. She directed me to talk to the attendant that looked like Aladdin.... I kid you not.
Well, I explained my situation to Aladdin look-alike and he seemed pretty chill with it (helping the sobbing girl that was barely making any legible words through the sobbing). He tried to help me, but it was no use. "This is for school! I have to be there!" I kept saying through tears. But no use what so ever. Just then the announcement for my flight to Japan had gone off, causing me to cry harder. So I was force to leave in the end without any of my luggage or things.
So that was the end of it. However, a few details I forgotten to mention was that I was meeting many random people in the airports who would give me their business cards for art or whatever talent they had and say that they'll be famous someday..... It was a weird dream. But I hope you got a kick out of it.


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
    That sounds horrifying (but still kind of hilarious). Don't worry, they won't let you get on the plane without first checking your passport :)

    I'm glad you have such interesting nightmares. At least you got to meet Aladdin (after Jasmine kicked him out for being a liar and a thief).

    I can't wait for more of your blog-posts!!
    (Also, it took so long to read it because I FINALLY got internet, so now I don't have to use Ryosuke's icky iphone...)

    1. After rereading it, it is funnier to me. But at the time, it was like "oh my gosh! I can see this happening to me~!! n_n;;"

  2. Aladdin? Really? Sounds more like a dream to me!

    1. Well, what can I say... my mind has a mind of its own. XD
